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Records Requests

This records request portal is being used by the Los Angeles City Administrative Officer, City Clerk, City Controller, Council District 4 (Nithya Raman), Council District 5 (Katy Yaroslavsky), Economic & Workforce Development, Fire Department, Neighborhood Empowerment, Police Department, Police Department: Board of Police Commissioners, Public Works (Street Lighting, Sanitation, and Engineering), and Transportation only. For all other city department’s records please go to their respective webpage and contact them directly.


This portal will help you request the records you need from the City of Los Angeles. By reviewing previously published requests and documents you may find what you need without submitting a new request! Use of the NextRequest platform is intended to facilitate public access to public records under the California Public Records Act (CPRA). Official records are held by City departments pursuant to governing document retention schedules.


Search 54143 requests and counting.

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